About Us

Welcome to our page! 

We are a couple with over 30 years of experience raising and caring for dogs of all sizes and breeds. Throughout the years, we have owned several dogs and have taken them all over the country with us, experiencing different types of environments.

We have a special place in our hearts for rescue dogs, who we believe are some of the most fiercely loyal and protective companions out there. It baffles us that so many people overlook these amazing pups, but we’re happy to be their biggest advocates and show the world just how awesome they can be.

People often come to us for advice on how to care for and train their dogs, and we are always happy to share our knowledge and experience. Much of what we know has been learned through trial and error, as well as consulting with experts in the field.

One thing we’ve noticed is that we tend to gravitate towards female dogs. Maybe it’s their sweet demeanor or their calming presence, but there’s just something about them that we can’t resist. Of course, we love all dogs equally (we’re not biased or anything), but there’s just something special about those girls!

We love the outdoors and enjoy spending time with our furry friends in nature. We believe that every dog deserves a loving home and a caring family, and we are dedicated to spreading awareness about the importance of responsible pet ownership.

Thank you for visiting our page, and we hope that our love for dogs and passion for their well-being shines through in everything we do.

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